Professional Colour Correction Services

Professional Colour Correction Services

The right balance of colours is crucial in making a good impression with images. Colour correction is an essential part of most digital photography today, but it holds special importance in the e-commerce business and portrait shots. If the colours are not well adjusted in your product photo, customers will not be attracted to buy it. At Offshore Photo Editing, we provide high-quality and efficient colour correction and colour variants services.

  • Colour correction services are cost-effective solutions for e-retailers. It helps them to showcase a variety of products without actually shooting all of them.
  • Thanks to colour variants services, clients can show the same product in different colour options.
  • Colour correction is also required in model and portrait photography.
  • Our team specializes in delivering high-quality, natural-looking colour corrected images in a time-bound and affordable manner.

At Offshore Photo Editing, we offer all types of colour correction services for the growth of your business. We cater to image colour correction needs in all fields.

What are color correction services?

Color correction services can be defined as a process whereby you improve the colors of a photo by using techniques of photo editing. Digital photos tend to have several flaws such as unrealistic color tones, under-exposure or over-exposure, and irregular hues or saturation, to name a few. These mistakes take away from the attraction factor of the photos which means that they do not capture any attention at all! This is where these services can prove to be so useful. This is why you would see that a lot of photographers use these services, and this is especially so for professionals working with tight deadlines. 

Types of color correction services

The various kinds of color correction services may be enumerated as below:

  • basic color correction
  • advanced color correction
  • black and white colorization
  • wedding photo color correction
  • jewelry color correction 
  • product photography color correction 

Basic color correction helps you improve the color of different portrait photos such as newborn photos and wedding photos. In these cases, the professionals doing the work use the techniques of basic color correction. 

Advanced color correction always starts with basic color correction followed by techniques of advanced color correction to make sure that the colors in the photos look great.

As part of black-and-white colorization services, old photos are recreated into colored ones. In these cases, color is added to old black-and-white photos to make them look as good as new. 

As the name would suggest, wedding photo color correction is meant specifically for your wedding photos. This means adjusting elements in the image such as shadows, exposure, highlights, white balance, and saturation. 

Jewelry color correction services are used to improve the color of all jewelry products of the clients using such services. 

Product photography color correction can be regarded as an integral part of modern e-commerce business. These services cover almost every kind of product photo. 

How it works       

Well, the techniques used in color correction services depend on the specific work that is being done in this particular context. For example, in basic color correction, the professionals adjust exposure and balance, balance colors, and enhance saturation and hues in the image. In the case of advanced color correction, the following techniques are used:

  • advanced color grading
  • balancing color sharpness 
  • advanced contrast adjustment
  • changing colors of various objects 
  • adjusting color vibrancy 

For black and white colorization the professionals use advanced methods of recoloring from Photoshop. They also make sure that the old images look sharp, attractive, and colorful. 

The most prominent techniques used in such color correction services are photo color restoration, adjusting contrast and brightness, and colorizing black and white photos. Wedding color correction services aim to make sure that the images appear more pop-up and colorful. The professionals doing such work use different kinds of color correction techniques available in Photoshop to fix the coloring issues in these images. They can also change the colors of certain parts in the images based on what you want. The most prominent techniques used in these cases are white balance adjustment and ghosting correction.


Using the latest tools such as Photoshop curves you can correct the colors in images within a few seconds. 

Yes, photo editors can follow the instructions provided by their clients in these cases to the t.

This depends on the individual service provider but, by and large, these services are affordable.  

    Why Choose Offshore Photo Editing?

    Model And Portrait Photography

    Includes tints and shadows adjustment, saturation work, colour correction/change, and dust removal.

    E-commerce product photos

    Includes image dress colour change, garments colour change, colour variants service, colour swapping services, and product colour change online.

    Jewellery colour editing & correction

    Includes jewellery store colour correction, jewellery dust removal, jewellery colour change, and jewellery image colour adjustment.

    Let's work together

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